3 Kasım 2015 Salı

Destiny: The Taken King weekly reset for Nov. 3 – Court of Oryx, Nightfall, Prison of Elders changes detailed

Game Athen: Bungie has brought Destiny’s servers down and back up to change the Nightfall strike, Prison of Elders variations, and Court of Oryx bosses. This is the final weekly reset during which the Halloween event will be active.

Here’s everything new:

Weekly Nightfall: Cerberus Vae III (Valus Ta’aurc) with Fresh Troops, Specialists, Airborne, and Trickle modifiers. Fresh Troops means some squads will have more enemies, Specialist favours special weapon damage, while Airborne makes it so you get more damage while in the air.

Trickle significantly reduces the recharge rate of your abilities.

Destiny: The Taken King weekly reset for Nov. 3 – Court of Oryx, Nightfall, Prison of Elders changes detailed

Prison of Elders:

-Level 32: Cult of the Worm

-Level 34: Broken Legion

Source: vg247

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