15 Kasım 2015 Pazar

Grand battle determines toughest Legendary enemy in Fallout 4

Game Athen: Fallout 4 battle videos may have hit their peak.

If you’ve spent any time with Fallout 4 you’ve probably encountered a Legendary enemy. These tougher-than-usual variants have a chance to mutate into an even stronger form when damaged, and drop loot with unique modifiers – if you’re lucky enough to kill one.

For his latest Fallout 4 battle video, Cosmic Contrarian gathered together every kind of Legendary in the game (look how many damned Mirelurks there are), divided them roughly by “faction”, and set them at it. Who will win? What is the toughest Legendary in the game?

I’d love to see this again with the “armies” moved around a bit, to see how the Deathclaws and robots fare against other enemy types. But can anything really bring down the Brotherhood of Steel…? I feel we’ve all learned a valuable lesson for our own Fallout 4 playthroughs today, despite the weird truce at the end: don’t piss the Brotherhood off.

Did you catch Cosmic’s last video, where 100 Brotherhood of Steel knights took on 1,000 Deathclaws? Epic.

Source: vg247

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